
本来准备把《Green sleeves 绿袖子》独奏的吉他谱单列的,不过,还是和弹唱谱放在一起吧。


《Green sleeves 绿袖子》吉他谱,英国民谣,相传是长笛家英皇亨利八世所作,最古老的情歌之一 ,曲风古朴悠扬,婉转缠绵,别有风韵。



Alas my love, you do me wrong

To cast me off discourteously

I have loved you all so long

Delighting in your company

I have been ready at your hand

To grant whatever you would crave

I have both waged life and land

Your love and good will for to have

Thou couldst desire no earthly thing

But still thou hadst it readily

Thy music still to play and sing

And yet thou wouldst not love me

Green sleeves now farewell adieu

God I pray to prosper thee

For I am still thy lover true

Come once again and love me


Green sleeves was all my joy

Green sleeves was my delight

Green sleeves was my heart of gold

And who but my Lady Green sleeves